A Blueprint for Big Broadband

A few weeks ago, EDUCAUSE released A Blueprint for Big Broadband. This paper goes beyond describing the need for ubiquitous broadband in this country (and not just the 3-6Mbps most of us have) and offers some concrete steps towards achieving this goal. I think the paper makes for some interesting reading.

Coincidentally, Governor Schwarzenegger’s California Broadband Initiative also recently released The State of Connectivity: Building Innovation Through Broadband, whose thrust is quite consistent with the EDUCAUSE blueprint (though not as aggressive in timeline). The CPUC also recently announced a $100 million broadband fund for unserved areas of California to help bridge the digital divide.

Full disclosure: I’m a member of EDUCAUSE’s Network Policy Council which developed the Blueprint, though I personally had no hand in it.

Hey, it's my mug up on the front page

... of the EDUCAUSE Western Regional Conference site. I'm moderating the closing plenary, Don't Download This Panel and it's going to be a blast! The panel lineup is terrific, if I do say so myself: Greg DePriest from NBC/Universal, Kenneth C. Green of the Campus Computing Project and Fred von Lohman from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Come one, come all: early bird registration until March 3.

Thanks to Michael Berman, 2008 WRC Program Chair (Senior Vice President and CIO at the Art Center College of Design in his day job), for the impetus and all the support to make this happen.

The fine print: In case you didn't notice, this item is a shameless plug.