Hey, I'm on the cover of Wired!

Me and 4,999 others, that is: As part of the idea of the "hyperlocal, totally personal geoweb", 5,000 people were able to submit photographs that would appear only on their cover of the July 2007 issue of Wired magazine.

This is very cool, but reason magazine did something more formidable in their June 2004 print edition. The editor's note ("Kiss Privacy Goodbye") says it all: "This is no ordinary issue of reason -- or of any other magazine, either. The cover is an aerial shot of my home in Oxford, Ohio. If you were a subscriber to reason, you would have received a unique copy with your own home on the cover. What's more, the ads on the back covers would have been customized to you and your neighborhood."

I've got to do a better job of geotagging my Flickr shots.