Facebook privacy for novices, employers and ... everyone

If you’re a Facebook user, you really must read 10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know.

If you’re a novice Facebook user, Too Much Information: On social networking sites, you may be giving away more than you think is a quick place to start thinking about privacy issues. You wouldn’t want to be this poor dude interviewing for a job (1 minute video), would you?

On the flip side, if you’re an employer, some food for thought in Why employers should reconsider Facebook fishing. It really may be possible to know too much about people you are considering hiring!

Finally, it appears that Facebook has changed its terms of service to say it can keep and use any material you have put on Facebook even if you should close your account with them. Is this egregious or simply pratical? In the end, you’ll have to decide. [Update: Lots of controversy; revision rescinded; but more to come...]